Award winning buildings archaeologist James Wright is talking about ‘Late Mediaeval Great Houses in the East Midlands’ to our AGM on Saturday and anyone can turn up and hear what he has to say. This is also a new talk.

Although our AGM starts with a business meeting at 2 pm, by around 2.30 pm we hope that James will be ready to talk to us, with members of the public welcome to attend. The meeting will conclude with light refreshments at 3.30 pm
Held at the Imperial Rooms, Imperial Road, Matlock, DE 4 3NL admission is free and all are welcome to the talk. Members of the public can also attend our AGM, though unless you are a member of the VCH Trust you won’t be able to vote.
Please pop along and hear what Dr Wright, who lives in Nottingham, has to say about ‘Late Mediaeval Great Houses in the East Midlands’.
Download the joint AGM agenda from the link below.