All our publications depend on new research, academically backed, but with lots of input from volunteers. On this page you can find out more about how to get involved with VCH. If you want to join us visit our membership page.
The VCH aims to complete authoritative, encyclopaedic histories of each parish from the earliest archaeological records to the present day, as well as topics such as topography, landscape and the built environment. Our Derbyshire VCH volumes I and II were published over a century ago, whilst our volume III was published only a few years ago.
Helping with research
We are currently working on parishes in the Chesterfield area, with a view to publishing, in print, ‘spin-off’ publications on townships and parishes, as a prelude to further VCH red books. We also publish draft text on this website.
Our County Editor – Philip Riden – works primarily with our Chesterfield volunteer group. They normally meet on Wednesday evenings in Chesterfield Central Library, where they are able to pull on the extensive resources of the local studies collection there.
A central part of the VCH research is the study of primary sources. This will involve examination at record offices and The National Archives of such things as manorial records, school log books and inspectors reports, business and religious records – in fact a wide range of sources. Our ‘Derbyshire Victoria County History Handbook’ details those we normally use.
If you would like more details on joining our friendly volunteer group please contact us. No previous experience is required. You will, however, normally need to join the Derbyshire VCH Trust to take part, after initial taster sessions.
Helping with administration and fund raising
If you’d like to help with fundraising or administration work you can also contact us.
Page last updated 13 April 2024.