Part of the former Shuttlewoood schools complex on Clowne Road (B6418) near Bolsover – pictured in our first and second photographs – is to be demolished. This is the northern part of the site – the southern part is occupied by the present Brockley Primary and Nursery School, (our third photograph) which is not affected. This southern part (opened in 1927) is listed grade II – as a good example of the work of ground-breaking Derbyshire Education Committee architect GH Widows.

The northern part is not listed and not by Widdows – it originally dates from 1907 and was first used as an infant school. In 1933 (when it was extended) it became a senior school, but latterly it had not been used for teaching (since 2007). The 1927 southern building became a junior and infant school.
The northern building has been surveyed. Copies of this can be viewed on the Bolsover District Council’s planning portal, along with heritage assessments.

We have lots more on education in Bolsover, including Shuttlewood, in our VCH volume III – ‘Bolsover and adjoining parishes’, in our Explore paperback and on our website…/education-bolsover